*Information on our site and shared by members of our support forums is not intended to be medical advice or to replace the relationship between a patient and his/her physician

What Is Gluten Free Kids ROCK?

R.O.C.K. stands for Raising Our Celiac Kids. The first chapter started in 1991. R.O.C.K.'s Highlands of NC and VA chapter is one of over 150 chapters across the United States and was chartered in 2009 in the city of Charlotte NC.

The director, Nikki Everett, has since moved to Appalachia, right below Sparta NC and is planning events for the region.
Please contact her anytime, Nikki Everett irresistiblyglutenfree@gmail.com

We are continually growing to meet the demand of support for those new to the gluten/allergen-free lifestyle. Members have one special bond: raising a family that has a child or children that must remain gluten/allergen-free.

It is a challenge to live strictly gluten/allergen-free. Our meetings focus on solutions. We meet quarterly to share information about gluten/allergen-free products, shopping for food, dining out, diagnosis, and other frustrations and joys that come along with being the parent of a child with special dietary needs.

The children, our "R.O.C.K. Stars," get to have R.O.C.K. parties and focus on the benefits of friendships with others who understand their challenges and victories. R.O.C.K. Highlands of NC and VA will get involved in other events from going fruit picking to raising awareness through health fairs and events.

Organization Goals:

•Educate & support newly diagnosed families.

•Increase public awareness of Celiac Disease and Allergies to Foods

•Educate the public and medical community about Celiac Disease and Gluten/Allergen-Free diets

•Provide fun opportunities for children & families who join.

See the upcoming events section for more details on activities & events in the mountains of NC and VA.

R.O.C.K. (Raising Our Celiac Kids) in Websites

Georgia R.O.C.K. & Camp Weekaneatit!
Gluten Freedom - Danna Korn (Founder of R.O.C.K. Raising Our Celiac Kids)
Maryland R.O.C.K.
R.O.C.K. Cincinnati
R.O.C.K. San Diego
R.O.C.K. Utah
R.O.C.K. Vancouver
Twin Cities R.O.C.K.

What We Do: